Friday, February 27, 2009
my day started off like the usual. i came to school quite late. i need to get my ass at school before 7.15am everyday. then, as usual, today had bacaan yasin. while me and Jia on our way to the hall,every student had sit down and read yasin. after that,we took our space to sit down, and Jia almost falling down coz she stepped on her own cloth. haha~ we laughed our ass off but the students like "wtf??" so, Jia laughed quietly and me pretending like nothing happened. classes started till it ended at 12pm. we still had one class to attend at 3.15. Jia stay at my home for temporary.her home is too far for her to come back again to school. then luckily! we reached the class on the dot! if not Mdm Yau would pinch us..=D Madam said the class would end at 5.15..but heck not! she extended the class til 6pm.. blahh..
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