
Obsess much?
Friday, October 16, 2009

it's been a while i last wrote an entry. this entry would be about obsess. actually i have nothing to talk about. that's the reason i haven't written anything for over a month.back to my main topic. i came across someone's blog the other day. she is really addicted or exactly too obsess with Tokio Hotel. ok, it's fine if you watch videos about them for hours but pretending talking to them? it's a bit much!! for example, i quote one of her entries. "dear Bill, do you know i went out yesterday and i bought a bracelet,and searching for your album?" "dear Bill,how are you today? i hope i could travel with you,lie my head on your shoulder and bla bla.." [not exactly like these, i changed it a little,not to offence anyone] there are so many. but it is not the purpose of this blog. i just wanted to show some examples that there is an existence of this-too-over-zealous people. it's very worrying if you are an overzealous fan of a band for example Tokio Hotel. let say when you have already regarded Bill as a part of your life or your partner,there's a chance that you would not accept Bill to be with another woman in his life. this could lead to depression or even worse.you would change from a-die-hard fan to an anti fan. like those stalkers who had Tom's fist in the face. I deduced that adoring someone is okay but please don't overblown about it.

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