1st of May 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
the day that i will never ever forget =) the day where one of my dreams came true =) they day that i had been waiting for ages =) the day where i learned new things =) the day where i became more independent =) too many things happened on that day. okay. the story i'm going to write about is what happened before,during,after the Everyone Connects with Tokio Hotel's concert. a month before the concert , my friend , Jane and I were really excited after we found out Tokio Hotel was coming here. it was the best day of my life! i can still remember the day , it was on Wednesday. a week later , Everyone Connects did a contest where we had to invite people to become a fan of their page which i felt it was really dumb because i had never invited any friends to join any pages or clubs or anything before. i participated in the contest a lil late. i didn't know about it until someone posted up the link on twitter. the main prize was a trip to London and 2 meet&greet passes . 4 lucky winners could win themselves 2 meet&greet passes and concert passes . i wasn't aimed for the grand prize. on the other hand , i was really attracted by the "be the 4 lucky winners" prize.lol. the contest lasted from 31st of march till 4th of April (was extended till 5th due to the massive demands) i struggled hard , i worked my butt off inviting , sending messages to my friends to help me. i wasn't laying down hope to win the meet&greet passes. the concert passes would do. after the contest ended, i kept on checking EC's page whether they had gave out the results or not yet. till 8th April 2010 , i was informed that i was one of the lucky winners. =D God knows how pleased i was at that moment. i counting down the days , i knew , i had no problems , i just had to wait till the concert day while others were crying about the problems they had. but , a week before the concert , Jane rang me to tell me a bad news. her dad didn't give her the permission to go for the concert. i rooted to the ground. i couldn't say anything except sighing. the whole week , i told Jane to persuade her dad because i had the feeling her dad would allow her eventually. then , came Friday. the last day for me to make the decision. Jane almost made me cry when she said her dad gave her the green light! i was lalala-ing while doing my hair. an hour later, Jane called me again , this time , my heart almost popped out of my chest. her dad changed his mind. he wouldn't let her go if there were no parents around. that totally ruined my mood. i begged my bro to send me to One Utama if he didn't trust me to go alone there. heck. all i got was his nagging. the whole day , i was crying , and thinking what i should do. should i go? or not? then , something crossed my mind, "it's once in a lifetime chance , everyone is dying to get the M&G passes , why would i loose it just because of the silly things? i would totally regret if i let the chance go." i made up my mind . i wanted to go by hook or by crook!! on Saturday , the crucial day , i dressed , did my hair , packed my things ,woke up my lil bro , woke up my big bro to send me to the bus station. he was like "are you crazy?!" me "yes yes i am!" lol , he sent me although he was crossed with me about it. all the way to the bus station , he was real moody. at 12.30pm,off i go with my lil bro to shah alam. XD around 3.30pm , we arrived at OU. i redeemed my tickets and the staffs there were like "wow! u got M&G?" me, "haha yeah(not excited at all because jane wasn't there)" the staffs "okay. (with the this-kid-is-not-excited looking)" i got 2 autographed posters. i don't feel lucky because those signs are printed. not original. i gave one to Alina. so i got one now, but the poster is crumbled now like belacan. hihihi. where were we? oh yaa...i went straight to the entrance , i saw the stage , got pretty pumped up about meeting Tokio Hotel in person that day. waited for about 2 hours in 3inches boots (it was a big mistake!) and tadaa~ they opened the gate . i ran to get to the front row (don't forget i wore my heels that time)XD got a good spot. not really. =| it's all my bro's fault. blehh.. >.< Pop Shuvit and Bunkface performed. Tokio Hotel came on stage around 9.20pm. i screamed my lungs out man after i saw Bill was singing before my eyes!! here are some pics. not clear . credits to my bro for doing a "great" job .

note that i'm so lazy to rotate this pic
they sang 13 songs. most of them were from their latest album , Humanoid. random fact about me , i didn't memorize their lyrics in english. bahaha. when Bill was singing Noise, i sang along in german. i attempted to sing in english, but i got it all wrong (not all. most of the times lah) XD duh! i made up some of the lyrics. haha. after an hour after that , the concert ended and Jin told us a good news, "Tokio Hotel is coming to malaysia again!" yes!! yes!! =D then , i had to walk to the booth for the M&G session , i could barely walk. my feet were in total pain!! T_T . but for the sake of Tokio Hotel , aku tahan je lah. then , the crews shouted "Everyone Connects winners go here!!" we had to line up before that so that the crews could check our passes. while walking to the booth where TH were in it , i could hear girls screaming .lol. i was not nervous. seriously! i was so relax. the crew asked me to go into the booth and i saw Georg first , Gustav and then Bill. i didn't notice Tom at that moment. haha! i thought we were going to take a picture one by one. but nope, the girl said "we're going to take a group pic" . duh! while she was saying that , i was standing in front of Bill ,face to face, and my bro stood next to him already. i saw a small gap between my bro and Bill , what's on my mind was , "yay!! a good chance to hug Bill! go away adik!" while running towards the small gap! adik told me , Bill looked at me and smiled as if he saw a small kid runs. you know that looking right?
hihi. lol. my bro and i were so stupid.Bill said Hi to us, but we didn't reply. just smiled to him. that's okay right? *feels guilty* umm..then , we touched each other's back. the best moment of my life. Bill's back was so soft and fat! gahaha.my sisters kept saying Bill is skinny , but if they touch his back, baru diorang tahu banyak isi jugak bill nih. we were hugging while waiting for other fans to go in the booth and Bill said Hi to them , i could hear his voice so close to me. i bet the fans would like "wtf this girl is doing??? isn't it too soon to hug Bill?!" haha! i don't care! and i looked around lah, saw Tom. he was talking happily . i wonder what he was talking about. maybe "wow, so many sluts here , i've grabbed many asses today!yeppie" hahaha! XD we took quite many photos. i was going to head out of the booth when the fans started to shake Bill's hand , i wanted to shake his hand too , but the girl bodyguard shoo us. i was like "it's okay Bill *rubs his back*" lmao! i don't know how i got the nerve to rub his back like that! nasib baik Bill tak menjerit "peraba! peraba!!" duh! *i was going to write more about what happened on that day , but it seems like i have no energy now. let it remain in my only mind. =D tataa!
here's my M&G pic . this chinese girl blocked me in this pic! i hate it! but you can see my hand on Bill's waist. weeeee~
they sang 13 songs. most of them were from their latest album , Humanoid. random fact about me , i didn't memorize their lyrics in english. bahaha. when Bill was singing Noise, i sang along in german. i attempted to sing in english, but i got it all wrong (not all. most of the times lah) XD duh! i made up some of the lyrics. haha. after an hour after that , the concert ended and Jin told us a good news, "Tokio Hotel is coming to malaysia again!" yes!! yes!! =D then , i had to walk to the booth for the M&G session , i could barely walk. my feet were in total pain!! T_T . but for the sake of Tokio Hotel , aku tahan je lah. then , the crews shouted "Everyone Connects winners go here!!" we had to line up before that so that the crews could check our passes. while walking to the booth where TH were in it , i could hear girls screaming .lol. i was not nervous. seriously! i was so relax. the crew asked me to go into the booth and i saw Georg first , Gustav and then Bill. i didn't notice Tom at that moment. haha! i thought we were going to take a picture one by one. but nope, the girl said "we're going to take a group pic" . duh! while she was saying that , i was standing in front of Bill ,face to face, and my bro stood next to him already. i saw a small gap between my bro and Bill , what's on my mind was , "yay!! a good chance to hug Bill! go away adik!" while running towards the small gap! adik told me , Bill looked at me and smiled as if he saw a small kid runs. you know that looking right?
hihi. lol. my bro and i were so stupid.Bill said Hi to us, but we didn't reply. just smiled to him. that's okay right? *feels guilty* umm..then , we touched each other's back. the best moment of my life. Bill's back was so soft and fat! gahaha.my sisters kept saying Bill is skinny , but if they touch his back, baru diorang tahu banyak isi jugak bill nih. we were hugging while waiting for other fans to go in the booth and Bill said Hi to them , i could hear his voice so close to me. i bet the fans would like "wtf this girl is doing??? isn't it too soon to hug Bill?!" haha! i don't care! and i looked around lah, saw Tom. he was talking happily . i wonder what he was talking about. maybe "wow, so many sluts here , i've grabbed many asses today!yeppie" hahaha! XD we took quite many photos. i was going to head out of the booth when the fans started to shake Bill's hand , i wanted to shake his hand too , but the girl bodyguard shoo us. i was like "it's okay Bill *rubs his back*" lmao! i don't know how i got the nerve to rub his back like that! nasib baik Bill tak menjerit "peraba! peraba!!" duh! *i was going to write more about what happened on that day , but it seems like i have no energy now. let it remain in my only mind. =D tataa!

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