Loony guy
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Yesterday, a crazy and mentally unbalanced guy just approached me on Facebook. OhMyGod. This guy is like so weird! He commented on my pictures and asked "Who is the girl beside you? She's pretty!" "Is this Jane?" and on chat, he asked me "Does Jane have a boyfriend?" and I said "YEAHHH!". He was so irritating and annoying! Then, he asked me again "Are you jealous?" I was like "What the fuck are you saying? Why should I be jealous? I don't freaking know you!". And then, he asked "Are you single? If you want me, then just say yes". Fuuuuu! What the heck?! Creepy much? I told him "Stop this bullshit". Then, he said "Okay, if you don't want me, I will stop disturbing you", so I said "OKAY!". Then, he stopped! Hahaha good! Don't ever bother me again! Fuckaa!
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