
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

i got up at 6.30am today~! like i was really panicked! i wanted to go to school but i can't deny half of me didn't want to go. but i had to. =\ at school,everything went well, we had 2 hours of Add maths class. it was supposed to be 40 minutes,unfortunately, our BM teacher is in Bandung right now. she has something to deal with. so, mama yau grabbed the chance! shoot!! i really hate it! before our extra class started, me and Jia bought prawn balls and pepsi for snacking. i guess it was my bad day, Jia accidentally spilled her beverage on my school uniform. i was soaked and so cold! Jia was harping on apologise [she didn't know i wasn't angry that time at all. she thought i'd be upset as i'm hot-tempered]. lol. so, we went into the class with my wet school uniform . [it was really really wet].

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