Thursday, April 30, 2009
tomorrow's labour's day. which means all workers including teachers are supposedly having their day off. but my teachers are very "nice" and "hardworking" . They want to do extra classes tomorrow! tomorrow is labour's day!! it's LABOUR'S DAY!!!!! i know they want us to be excellent students. but, OHMY!! i feel like crying now..T_T. it's too much! i'm so tired. everyday we keep studying and studying and squeeze our brains non-stop. can't we have our day off even just for a day?!
Friday:8am-10am [Biology] | 10am-12am [Add maths] . [no recess?! okay.=_=!]
Saturday: 8.30am-11.30am .[Physics].
Friday:8am-11am .[Chemistry]. >> 3 hours??!!!! wtf??!! her last class was 2 hours,however, it felt like forever!!
what a great weekend!! i'm so happy!! muwahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
a few seconds later
*mommy!! read this statement> "A psychiatric hospital is a hospital specializing in the treatment of serious mental illness,usually for relatively long-term inpatients." i think it suits me well.please mommy!! *

i know what u're thinking, " it doesn't seem stress to me at all! she must be a lazy-bumb!"
yeah.yeah.i know.i know.
Friday:8am-10am [Biology] | 10am-12am [Add maths] . [no recess?! okay.=_=!]
Saturday: 8.30am-11.30am .[Physics].
Friday:8am-11am .[Chemistry]. >> 3 hours??!!!! wtf??!! her last class was 2 hours,however, it felt like forever!!
what a great weekend!! i'm so happy!! muwahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!

a few seconds later
*mommy!! read this statement> "A psychiatric hospital is a hospital specializing in the treatment of serious mental illness,usually for relatively long-term inpatients." i think it suits me well.please mommy!! *

i know what u're thinking, " it doesn't seem stress to me at all! she must be a lazy-bumb!"
yeah.yeah.i know.i know.

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