It's my life
Saturday, April 18, 2009
6am: get ready to school
7:10am-3.20pm: learning sessions.
4:00pm : sleep or playing guitar.
6:00pm : do my homework.
12:00am : sleep!
6am: get ready to school
7:10am-3pm:learning sessions.
3:30pm-5:00pm:extra class [B.melayu or Agama Islam or history or mathematics]
5:30pm : eat
6:00pm : sleep. usually i don't sleep after 4pm. if i feel really tired,then i sleep.
8:00pm : do my homework!
12:00am : sleep!
6am: get ready to school
7:10am-3pm:learning sessions.
3:30pm-5pm : extra class [Biology]
5:30pm : eat
6:00pm : do something that does not beneficial.
8:00pm : do my homework!
12:00 or 1am : sleep!
6am: get ready to school
7:10am-3pm:learning sessions.
3:30pm-5pm : extra class [History or mathematics or agama islam or B.melayu]
5:30pm : eat
6:00pm : watch chitchat with beautiful ladies.
8:00pm : do my homework!
12:00 or 1am : sleep!
6am: get ready to school
7:10am-12pm:learning sessions.
3pm-5pm : extra class [Additional mathematics]
5:30pm : eat
6:00pm : pick a fight with my brothers [i do it everyday! yey!! i luv it!]
8:00pm : do my homework!
12:00 or 1am : sleep!
7:00am : get ready to school
8:30am-11:30 : extra class [physics]
12pm : playing with my cats..bla..bla...blaa....
12:00am :sleep!
7:00am :get ready to school
8:00am-1pm :extra classes [english and Chemistry]
1pm : bla..blaa.. arguing...blaa...blaa..homework..blaa.blaa.
12:00am: sleep!
i know..i know..
my life is pretty much boring,isn't it?! GOSH!!

6am: get ready to school
7:10am-3.20pm: learning sessions.
4:00pm : sleep or playing guitar.
6:00pm : do my homework.
12:00am : sleep!
6am: get ready to school
7:10am-3pm:learning sessions.
3:30pm-5:00pm:extra class [B.melayu or Agama Islam or history or mathematics]
5:30pm : eat
6:00pm : sleep. usually i don't sleep after 4pm. if i feel really tired,then i sleep.
8:00pm : do my homework!
12:00am : sleep!
6am: get ready to school
7:10am-3pm:learning sessions.
3:30pm-5pm : extra class [Biology]
5:30pm : eat
6:00pm : do something that does not beneficial.
8:00pm : do my homework!
12:00 or 1am : sleep!
6am: get ready to school
7:10am-3pm:learning sessions.
3:30pm-5pm : extra class [History or mathematics or agama islam or B.melayu]
5:30pm : eat
6:00pm : watch chitchat with beautiful ladies.
8:00pm : do my homework!
12:00 or 1am : sleep!
6am: get ready to school
7:10am-12pm:learning sessions.
3pm-5pm : extra class [Additional mathematics]
5:30pm : eat
6:00pm : pick a fight with my brothers [i do it everyday! yey!! i luv it!]
8:00pm : do my homework!
12:00 or 1am : sleep!
7:00am : get ready to school
8:30am-11:30 : extra class [physics]
12pm : playing with my cats..bla..bla...blaa....
12:00am :sleep!
7:00am :get ready to school
8:00am-1pm :extra classes [english and Chemistry]
1pm : bla..blaa.. arguing...blaa...blaa..homework..blaa.blaa.
12:00am: sleep!
i know..i know..
my life is pretty much boring,isn't it?! GOSH!!

Labels: my boring life
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