
LOL tom Kaulitz!!
Saturday, April 18, 2009

i was really shocked after reading this:
"Oops, they did it again! As you may remember us reporting last year, Tokio Hotel drummer Gustav Schäfer crashed his BMW into a tram - while he had two other people in his vehicle. It was later said that he was charged with bodily harm due to negligence.

Well, according to a number of blogs today, guitarist Tom Kaulitz is currently awaiting questioning by Hamburg police after hitting a girl in the face.

Tom, the twin brother of Tokio Hotel frontman Bill Kaulitz, was apparently filling up his car at a petrol station when a 21-year-old fan and four of her friends recognised him. The girls then tapped on the window of his vehicle to get his attention and an autograph, but instead of politely declining the guitarist responded by throwing a lit cigarette at them through his car window. The girl then picked up the cigarette and stubbed it out on his car, causing Kaulitz to have a "mini-rage" and hit the girl in the face, driving off before the police could arrive."

ok..in the first place, i thought Tom was out of his mind! i didn't believe this because i wouldn't think Tom would do something like that. but,it's confirmed by the police and the incident was caught on tape. i was like,"why did TOM punch her in the face?!" then,i found out those girls are known as "The Afghan's on tour" gang. they hate Tokio Hotel so much! They threatened the twins' family. they egged their cars. those girls have been stalking them for 6 months!! who wouldn't lose their temper ryte?! if i were Tom,i would do the same thing or ever worse! believe me. i don't have a clue why they hate Tokio Hotel so much!! maybe because they really want them and grow kids with them but they realized that they couldn't even get that??! wtf??!! nonsense!! i feel sorry for Tokio Hotel. They are humans and they deserve to have their privacies! can't the fans think of it?? i hope this incident will not happen again.

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