
Friday, June 12, 2009

Unfair can be defined as
  1. not just or impartial; biased; inequitable
  2. dishonest, dishonorable, or unethical in business dealings
i'm not gonna babbling about the meaning. but i want to tell how it relates in my life. i've been through many injustices in my life.The major injustice is what we called favoritism attitude.This is predicted in our daily life. for example, i've always become a victim of favoritism. when teachers are teaching, they biased to beautiful and good looking appearance physically. by only a little example, i'm sure u got to picture the scene.but this is practiced by only a couple of teachers. not all of them. most of my teachers have a great heart. yet, i've experienced this long ago when i was in primary school and another school which i don't have to reveal the names. Second, people like to judge other people by their physically appearance. they are so quick in labeling or tagging people that they don't ever know his kindness of heart. i have to be frank, i have never had a boyfriend before because of my uninteresting looking.But,it does not mean i'm overly enthusiastic about a guy to present in my life.i'm not a slut. i'm fully awake,it's not yet the right time to have a boyfriend. i'm not craving for it.it's just that i wanted to explain a bit of natural things that frequently happens here in my life where people is too obsess with external beauty first. the inner beauty is second. why these happened? simple. it's natural feelings. even, me too.i like beauty things. just one simple question,most of people like to buy cheap clothes but beautiful rather than the quality,don't they? that proved, beautiful and handsome,let just say good looking, is really important on earth. but we should keep in mind, beauty will not last for eternity. but the inner beauty will last for forever right? so,this is so unfair to me to be treated like i have no feelings. my friends mostly, always look me down. when i got a better place in class or good results, they were totally surprised as if i wouldn't be able to get good results. i may not stand out among the girls, but don't judge me from that view. Jane,my bestfriend, is a good hearted girl and also pretty! she has almost everything. she's bright, she's tall, she has nice body.she's so perfect! and also she is a new student. but she really stands out and the Adams like her so much. they always teasing her, talking to her and she also caught hundreds of boys' hearts easily. just snap her fingers and tada!! the men will line-up 10 kilometres long! cool huh?! i envy her coz she owns everything~! i don't want to be like her!! i want to be me! myself! i just want people all over the world change their perspectives about BEAUTY!! i'm not that desprated!! it's just i'm so sick of people's views about Beauty that only brings injustices in my life and also Ugly Betty's life. |peace!|

written originally by:eida kaulitz.

yeah i'm a bit emotional nowadays. just suck it up people!!

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