1st day of Ramadan~
Saturday, August 22, 2009
First of all, Happy Ramadan to all Muslims over the world. can't believe it's Ramadan already. time passes really quickly. that also means SPM is coming closer. The trial will start on the 2nd of September. one day after the twins' birthday and my brother's birthday. speaking about Tokio Hotel, i listened to Automatisch yesterday. my comment? erm.. they've done it.good job guys. i kinda like the song. even though i noticed the song is quite different from their last songs. can't wait to get my hands on their new album called "humanoid". the title itself sounds interesting. let alone their new songs. xD frankly speaking, i miss the old Tokio Hotel. they've changed a lot lately. i miss when they were not as famous as today. [it's not that i don't like them being famous]. the time where i could watch their videos from their official youtube.where i could watch their daily routines. where Bill had the lion hair and stuff. they look more comercial nowadays. T_T. regardless all that, they still making good music which is the good thing. i can't believe i've been their fan for almost 2 years~!! i hope for the coming years, they will still be themselves. =]
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