
Weird yet Fun!
Friday, January 15, 2010

i dreamed about weird things yesterday. first, i met Justin Bieber (wtf?). ok. how Justin could be in my dream is because i checked out his page yesterday when everyone kept adding him on facebook. it wasn't the first time i saw him. i've seen him quite a lot on TV. but nothing had made me want to know more about him before that. i have no idea how i ended up listening to his songs yesterday. =/ hmm..his songs are okay. but i'm not into that type of music genre. back to my dream. i was with his fans. girls all of them.we were doing something outside.i don't know what.. O_o . and out of nowhere, while i was talking to Justin, he burned his finger.[when did the fire come? it came out of my mouth i guess =_=!] so, i ran to get a barrel of cold water for him to dunk his finger in it. [so sweet of me! xD] after that, with the power of magic,we got into the backstage area in just a second.. he was getting ready to perform. haha! we cheered for him as he walking up the stage. he looked so nervous. i told him " you can do it! just relax and do your best".he looked straight at me and nodded.. muwahaha! i have the potential to be his manager,huh?? x)) .I had a little chit chat with the girls,suddenly,with just a blink of an eye, i was at my aunt's house. fuyoo! then, my granny invited my family to have dinner at a restaurant. guess what's it's called?? it's called the TOKIO HOTEL restaurant! fcuk! i loved it! i was like "cis!! since when Tokio Hotel have a restaurant?? kat malaysia plak tu??" while i was looking through the menus which was written TOKIO HOTEL on top of it...in just a flash,i found myself lying on my bed. welcome to reality,eida~! waaaa!! so sad,disappointed, frustrated,hapless,piteous,and everything related to it!! it was just a dream. =/ lol. i've been dreaming about Tokio Hotel lately. that day, i dreamed, Bill asked me what my favorite song was, i answered "i can't choose one. i love all of them". everyone laughed including Bill. i was puzzled. "what the heck? did i say something wrong?Ahh..well, it's ok. Bill is standing next to me! O.M.G!! it's my lucky day!" lol. as usual, i always wake up right when i get to the best part of a dream. man! this is pathetic!

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