
waitress+bangla --> great job
Friday, February 12, 2010

For the past week, i got a job as a promoter. it was the most stupid job ever. i won't ever be a promoter again. fuck those cina. no offense to chinesses out there. then, i got a new job. being a waitress. haaaa...this one is better. but it's fucking tiring though. plus,working with bangla-bangla makes it become more unorganized. nevertheless,they are still okay. like today, i can say almost 30% of the customers were unhappy with our service. so slow. there were customers, i assume they are sinaporean, wrote a comment on a tissue saying our singapore bee hoon fail, we should change the chef. i couldn't agree more.what can i say?? they are 100% true. mat bangla yg masak la katakan. mcm mane nk rase singapore. jadi bangla bee hoon laa. haha. and as usual,the forgetful eida was acting dorky today. one customer asked for 2 omelet fried rices. but i wrote 1 fried rice. he asked for 2 lemon teas, i wrote 1 instead. this is the dialog between the customer and me, customer " adik, sy mintak 2 omelet ngan 2 lemon tea,tp adik tulis 1 je", me "fuck! (dlm ati je),sorrry", customer "adik ngantuk nieh.pergi balik rumah tido",me "har har ,wat lwk ar tuh (still dlm ati)". so i corrected the order. and i apologized again. he didn't say anything. -___- i guess he pissed at me. i felt like shouting,"don't mad at me la..today is my second day. i had never be a waitress before. be nice with me lor.siao punye org". <--- filah ajar.=)) she taught me bad words in chinesse. the best guru in the world. haha. after that, there was a group with weird hairstyles mcm syial came and ordered beverages. i thought they wanted to order some food,because this stupid kid was still checking through the menus. so i waited for like 2mins,they should say "okay that's all" or something.but this kid told me, "cepat eh. sy nak cepat", me "makan?" , kid "noo". so, i said "fuck!" (yg nie bkn dlm ati.kuar kat mulut tros tu) but i'm not sure if they heard it or not. i think they are around 13 to 17.yet, their behaviors kalahkan syaitan. so rude!! spitting here and there. (not in the cafe, but outside the cafe.) i tell you kids, don't come here ever again. belagak like you've grown enough. fuck laa...you are shorter than me. so, behave yourself! (i know that behavior has got nothing to do with height.but who cares??) oh yaa..today i met a crazy guy. me and jane call him, "bdk cemin mata". the first time we saw him, we thought he was a fierce guy or something, but apparently, he's a nice guy. except for the fact that he just drank a tin of beer. astaghfirullah..malays nowadays. -___- so yeah..that is pretty much of it. i haven't dinner yet. bye~

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