
Saturday, February 13, 2010

urgh..today sucked!!right after we arrived at the cafe, the place was full with customers. =/ so, dtg2 je kena keja. what more, i made mistakes like hundred times. this omputeh ordered fish and chips but i gave him kuay teow goreng. he was "huh?" i replied "huh?" we both confused. haha. he showed me his order and i saw "Fish and Chips". blahh.. =/ bangla nieh wat aku malu jek.he told me the other way round. the funny moment was when this one bangla told me to send the food to " limaaa duaaaa"..i was clueless. "since when we have table no.52? he kept telling me "limaaa duaa". Jane the savior came to me and asked "what's the problem?" that bangla told the same thing to jane,"antar ke limaaa duaaa". automatically Jane got to figure out what was he talking about. he meant " Dua2 mknanan nie antar ke meja 5". hahaha! bengong pnye bangla/nepal kowt. mane2..pilih salah satu. me and Jane laughed our asses off and Jackie the bangla said " hey..jngn terjatuh" because Jane was laughing like crazy.haha~ i feel like i'm not working in malaysia. i need to learn bahasa bangla. haha. oh..the major mistake i did was, i BROKE a glass. i was putting the glass into the sink and it suddenly slipped from my hands and "PANG"/"BOM"/ "TENG" (pilih mane-mane sound effect yg sdp) .mann!! there i go.. -___-. the clumsy me. fortunately, the bangla-bangla didn't mad at me. Jackie was calming me down. he said "x pa..x paa.gelas sudah pecah,apa bulih buat?" thanks Jackie!! but he was cross with me and Jane before that. we didn't know anything about the serial numbers. so,maen buang2 je laa ketas order tu. just so u know, one paper worths RM100. guess how many papers have we thrown?? more than 3 papers i guess. so do the maths yourself. O_o. we are dead meat if Jackie finds out about it. it was his fault too. why didn't he tell us earlier? so yeah...if we bring this case to court, i bet we will win! haha. actually there are more to tell about what has happened today,but i'm too tired to type. where's my bro?? he is in charge to buy me food. it's 1:30am, he should have arrived already with my food. grrr--!!

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