hung out with them! ily,guys!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
today was my day off. supposedly jane and i thought of going out together today. but we had one extra people to join in, zam that is. my new friend and Jane's new special friend =)) haha. okay..okay.firstly, i asked my bro to set his alarm at 8am. and he did. the alarm was ringing like hell at 8am. i woke up to shut the alarm off and went back to bed again. i was sooooooooooooo sleepy. i thought i would wake up at 9am because 8 was too early. then at 9am i woke up,but felt really sleepy,so i added another 30mins. 9.30am i woke up and yeah..that was for real. because we planned to go out at 10am. waaa! i wasn't feeling surprised because i thought i would make it in less than 30mins. i've prepared what i wanted to wear that morning. hell no. it took me an hour to get ready.haha. why 1 hour? because i did everything slowly. took a shower slowly...put on clothes slowly.drink slowly. heee =D while i was going to iron my tudung, jane called. "eida,aku kat depan umah kao nieh". i was like "what??!! i haven't ironed my tudung yet!! wait!". so, after 10mins later, i got out of my house and get into zam's car. zam: "hey daya!" me:hye!sorry..lambat!" jane&zam:"x pe". weeeee...sorry jane!! aku xkn wat sume slowly. laen kali aku wat sume benda laju2. next, we went to Jusco. the new Jusco. walawey..there were a lot of beautiful clothes!! i felt regretted that i didn't bring a lot of money. 50% off!! and we went to this korean clothes shop. waaa!! it was jaw dropping. the clothes they are selling are allllll my favs! imma go there back and buy them! you just wait and see! after a long walk, my stomach made a noise. =)) i was hungry and i told jane. hehe..jane my mommy! jane told zam and we looked for a place to eat.i was planning on eating at a restaurant, but naahh! Big Apple was overpowering me. but JJ doesn't have a Big Apple outlet. so,we decided to go to Dataran Pahlawan. at around 12.30pm, here we are. at dataran pahlawan. zam was 'gores' this parking ticket. 3 parking tickets. from 12.30 to 1.30...and 1.30 to 2.30 and 2.3o to 3.30 kot. can't remember. we went straight to Big Apple and here what i bought!
annndd....we walked to the games area. it was on zam. he bought tokens. so,our fav game. lumba keta! haha. we raced. the first round... zam 1st place, jane 2nd place and i was last. T_T how could this be happening to me??? dgn azam yg lebey kuat..the second round...tekan mnyk mcm gila....yay! for the first minutes...i got 2nd place! and...........towards the end.....i was last! again! amazingly jane was 1st and zam second! waaaa!! power la jane! hebat hebat! then,we headed to mahkota parade and went to play bowling. it was only RM22. i wore the stupidest and ugliest shoes ever..fuu~ definitely won't wear it anywhere else except the bowling again...we competed to each other. zam "again" was leading the game. i was second and Jane last. Jane had a headache that moment...awww..poor jane..wish she was alright that time so we would feel a lot happier.after that, coincidently, zam tertukar giliran ngan aku. was my turn but zam thought it was his. me and Jane just laughed out loud. though he didn't notice it until jane told her " main lagi" ..zam :"huh"..Jane:"zam pnye turn skang".. he looked surprised and we laughed. so he asked me to take his turn. i asked him to play it because i was afraid i would make him lose. but he eagerly asked me to take his turn. aku pon maen je laa. yay!! as i thought! i made him lose! by 10 points i guess..and i won!!! haha. unfortunately, Jane couldn't take a pic of our names in the screen. shit u comp!! tunggu la jane amek gmbr dulu! then,lepak kat starbuck kejap >
after that,i was feeling so thirsty. we went to the place we are working..duh! i asked for a glass of ice water. yeppi!!! i was in heaven! then, we went to pantai puteri..smpt aku tido kat dlm keta tuh. ngntuk sngat. here are some of the pics!

originally i was going to take a pic of them with the beach at the back. but the sun was so bright. the camera couldn't focus on their faces. so yeah....i had to take pics of them like what u see above. chantek gak kan aku amek gmbr??? hahaha. Jane and zam went to basah2kan kaki kat pantai..and i was checking out Jane's pics in the camera. around 4.30pm....we headed back home. as soon as we were behind my wall was playing on!!!!! waaa!! so excited! and guess what???? Zam asked "sape nyanyi lagu nieh" me:*excited* nape?! sedap eh?? zam: sedap. me:yahoo!! Jane:tokio hotel...zam:sape? jane:tokio hotel ....happy gila ade gak orang laen slain aku ngan jane yang suka lagu tu! yeyeye! soo, around 5 kot..i got home!! fuh so tired!! actually there's more to write about. we went dinner outside because my parents got home from terengganu. i'm typing so fast right now because just now, my bro told me " mase aku maen laptop sorang2..ade kelibat kat belakang aku!" siot arrr.....kkk bye!!!
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