Happy Birthday Daddy!
Friday, March 5, 2010
today as usual..fought with the bangla Aynur! erghh..i'm getting annoyed to see his face day by day. he told me to sweep the floor, and i did with the fans on, and he came to me and asked me to turn off the fans and trying to show me how to sweep the right way. fcuk! hmpph! so i turned off the fans and he swept 20% of it then, Jane did the rest. i was actually very lazy to do it.thanks Jane.love you! haha! customers were quite many today. biasalah,ari jumaat. today is my dad's birthday, that evening, he planned to eat outside. then, as i expected, at 10pm, i called my bro to pick me up, but he didn't answer his phone. i called my mom, yay dapat! she said he was on his way..he was waiting for my sisters to get ready. so, to be short, while i was in the car, my dad called my bro and i had to answer it because my bro was driving. my dad told me to bring Jane along with me and dinner with them at ikan bakar sungai duyung. at first, Jane refused to accept the invitation, but after i persuaded her like couple of times, she said "jap,aku kol mak aku dulu". while she was talking to her mom on the phone,dup!dap!dup!dap!, i was highly hoping her mother would give her a green light. guess what?? me: *looking at Jane* , Jane: *nodding&smiling* yay!! her mother let her to have dinner with my family! after that, we reached at the place, the food were already served on table, and my parents already finished eating. Jane was ashamed of my family..and i calmed her down. she didn't look uncomfortable. i don't know the inside. but she looked fine and i was happy to see her okay. =) actually,Jane and me had dinner already at the cafe. so,we were full! i ate crabs,prawns and yeah..that's all. same goes to Jane. and there was cats around our table. comel!! me and Jane bullied them! hahaha! yea..we're the meanie monsters! wuahahaha! ehem...ehem..then, we headed home! yea..that's pretty much of it. not interesting. but in real life, it was fun.
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