I'm so sick of this crap
Monday, January 31, 2011
Hmmm, I never knew being a law student requires a lot of energy and emotional stability. I feel like I'm living in hell. :/ With presentations, tests, mooting, debates, persuasive speech, assignments, friends.... Please! I want to die! I don't think, a person who has very low self esteem like me, belongs to this course. Well, people say that, the course will change you from a shy person to a talkative and a very confidence person. But if the surrounding doesn't support you, doesn't help you in any way, it's just the same. It will not bring you any good. It actually pressures you even more. You feel like, you're wayyyy too stupid than them. It will just bring you down, seeing people who are good looking, confident and clever, talking fluently in front of you. You know you are nothing compared to them. I'm a very insecure person. When I talk in front of people, I will start to think, "OMG, am I doing good? Is my voice loud enough? Or is it too loud?" and so on. -,- Annoying, isn't it? Fortunately, there are people who always there with me. They could be the cure to my depression. Their witty sense of humor always puts a smile on my face. SIX awesome, awe-inspiring and wonderful (I know they have the same meaning. I don't care!) people. They are Atien, Jane, Ash also known as Usher, Ana also known as Anna Olson, Nisa..hmm I haven't had a nickname for her, and Aina the Bebey Aena. :D *Alahai, susahnya nak cari gambar diorang ni. Bila gambar dah cantik, Ana tak ada pulak. Bila gambar cantik lagi, muka Nisa pula yang pelik. Jangan marah naa Nisa.* So, here are the BEST photos I could get: *I took it without their permission. Ada aku kisah?*

Hmmm, i'm not sure what they are doing in that photo. Woii! Hampa buat apa tu haa? Tengok lubang hidung Joe ke?

Ololo sweetnyaa. Kawan siapa? Kawan sayaa
No photos of Jane and Atien because I already posted their photos in my previous entry. :) I am getting a mixture of feeling excited, depressed and anxious since I have less than one month until I'm finished with my foundation. Excited that I finally will leave this sucky college for 5 months, depressed that I won't be seeing these people for a long time and anxious because finals are coming closer. :/ Whatever it is, I pray for the best. *Nyanyi lagu Justin Bieber yang Pray tu ramai ramai jom!* Hee OkThxBye!

No photos of Jane and Atien because I already posted their photos in my previous entry. :) I am getting a mixture of feeling excited, depressed and anxious since I have less than one month until I'm finished with my foundation. Excited that I finally will leave this sucky college for 5 months, depressed that I won't be seeing these people for a long time and anxious because finals are coming closer. :/ Whatever it is, I pray for the best. *Nyanyi lagu Justin Bieber yang Pray tu ramai ramai jom!* Hee OkThxBye!
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