Seventeen Ten Eleven
Monday, October 17, 2011
It's been a long time since I last updated this blog. There's not much to write about anyway. It's my best friend's 19th birthday today! Happy Birthday, Ana! May God bless you. And it so happened that my beautiful cat, Coklat, just had kittens this morning. What a sweet coincidence that they were born on the same day as my best friend's and EMINEM's birthday. Wow, Coklat, you do know how to pick the right date, don't you? It'll be easy for me to remember their birthday, then! Haha. Don't be surprised, but I haven't even seen my kittens yet. So, I have no idea how many kittens did she give birth to. Probably 3. Yeah. Congratulations, Coklat! <3
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