
I'm so thug.
Thursday, October 20, 2011

I was scrolling down my News Feeds and I saw my friend post about birthday month something. I usually don't bother about this kind of thing, but hey, this one quite defines me perfectly. Let me post what it says about a February baby here.

Abstract thought - Oh yes. Damn right.
Loves reality and abstract - Yes. And I hate watching dramas. Especially Malay dramas. And the ones that have so many episodes and series.
Intelligent and clever - Oh well, I don't like to brag, but yeah I have to agree with it. :p
Changing personality - Mayyybe. It depends on the people around me.
Attractive - I'd love to say yes, but I think I'm not attractive. I mean, physically.
Sexiest out of everyone - Aww, I'm so flattered. But no. I'm not the sexiest. And I'm not saying this to get compliments okay?
A real speed demon - I have no idea what that means. *Googles* Oh! It means a person who travels or works at high speed. I can't say I'm a real speed demon. I work very slow.
Has more than one best friend - So true! In fact, I have 5! I love you Jane, Atien, Ash, Ana, and Nisa! Muahhh!
Temperamental - Perhaps
Quite, humble and shy - Woot! Not when I'm with my best friends!
Honest and loyal - Yes yes yes
Determined to reach goals - *Looks at my diary* I'd completed almost all my 2010's resolutions!
Loves freedom - Oh yes!
Rebellious when restricted - So true!
Loves aggressiveness - Hmmm wait till I get married. Then, we'll know I love aggressiveness or not. Haha
Too sensitive and easily hurt - Right on! Don't play play with my feelings ya. If anyone hurts me, I'll remember it till I die
Gets angry easily but does not show it - Yes and no. I do get angry easily but I always show it.
Dislikes unnecessary things - Yezzaaa!
Loves making friends but rarely show it - YES! That's correct!
Daring and stubborn - That's what my mom always tells me.
Loves entertainment and leisure - Couldn't agree more with this. I particularly love entertainment shows and hanging out.
Romantic on the inside not outside - This! Haha dead on! I think I get it from my dad. No. My mom. Ehmm. No. Both!
Spendthrift - OMG yes! If I have RM200 in my hands, I'll spend all of it in one day.
Tries to learn to show emotions - Exactly! Wonder why I rarely show that I love making friends? Because I'm emotionless. When I first meet someone, I'm pretty sure I come across as unfriendly because I always avoid showing emotions. When you cry in front of me, don't expect me to calm you down, as I won't do anything but stare at you. I only do that to anyone I barely know, though.

Whoever made this thing is brilliant! It's very accurate! Oh and at this moment, a guy on Facebook really makes me mad. He's acting like I'm the one who started the conversation and it seems like I'm the desperate one there. What the fuck?! And he just left the convo like that. Stupid.

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