Tuesday, October 25, 2011

This is horoscope-ist! Is there such a thing as HOROSCOPE-IST? I don't care. Never LOSE, never REJECT, never LEAVE, all positive. Suddenly, NEVER BELIEVE. Pisces are the most selfish and mean? You serious? I beg to differ, Plain Dreamer. I'm nice and I care about other people, so much. Sometimes, I do become so selfish and mean, but to certain people. Heh. On the other note, I went shopping with my mom this evening. First time in over one month I got out of the house. Haha. I bought Liese juicy Shower Mixed berry hair-hydrating mist which looks like this
And a mouthwash a.k.a Listerine. No picture for that. Go google it. LOL. Oh, Happy Deepavali to all my friends! Especially, Siobita! Have a good one, Shobi!
PS: I've been craving for Famos Amos since last week. T.T
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