Friday, November 11, 2011
Let’s face it. If you’re not pretty then life is going to be harder for you. People say that personality matters the most and I agree, but the world is shallow. The people who are lucky enough to be born good looking will always be one step ahead. Sucks but that’s the truth. Society is fucked.- lose-my-mind from TumblrLet's face it. What this person said is true. Society is fucked. When I hear people say, "personality wins over looks", I say "Bullshit". It's not easy for us who are less attractive to live. It's painful. It hurts. Trust me. I've experienced a lot of things in 19 years. A lot of awful moments. I get very insecure every time I see beautiful girls. And that's one of the many reasons why I don't talk much around guys. And that's the reason why I didn't say Hi back to Bill. Yes. The truth is out.
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